Today’s world is one full of stress and anxiety, making it hard to function optimally without experiencing some degree of strain or burden. From your home where stress may accumulate over small issues to traffic on the way to work and your job itself – and all its stresses-induced events- it’s normal that some may slip and slide from time to time; but you must put forth every effort possible in order to combat stress and anxiety effectively.
People respond differently to life situations, but there are some general principles that should help almost everyone. We conducted some research, and have decided to create this short guide with some ideas for dealing with stress and anxiety. Please keep in mind that these guidelines won’t provide an ultimate solution, but may assist you in finding effective strategies. So without further delay, let’s get going.
Breathing Is Key
Proper breathing techniques and correct breathing practices can do wonders to relieve stress and anxiety. Our breathing patterns change when our bodies experience high amounts of stress or when in high-stress environments, as these factors alter how our body breathes. As adrenaline floods our bodies and contract our diaphragm, breathing becomes shallower as adrenaline surges through. This causes oxygen deprivation in our bodies, compounding anxiety. People tend to panic in these situations further compounding discomfort. As soon as an anxious or stressful situation arises, take a moment to regulate your breathing. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths through the nose while exhaling through the mouth; this should relax the diaphragm while increasing oxygen in your system – incredibly simple steps which could really make a difference in anxiety-inducing situations.
Avoiding Any Form of Toxicity
Everybody understands that eating healthily and properly can play an integral part in managing stress, but in terms of toxic people. These individuals fill your surroundings with negative energy that makes you feel uncomfortable or discouraged. Avoid toxic people! Spending time with someone who spreads only negative energy is likely the worst investment you could make. As you attempt to befriend others, they use up all your positivity; hanging around negative people has an adverse impact on your mood and reduces anxiety levels in life. Reducing exposure to them altogether will have a tremendously positive effect on both aspects of your wellbeing.
Decluttering Promotes Positive Thinking
Maintaining your daily job responsibilities, home maintenance responsibilities and completing other important activities can be challenging enough – let alone adding in extra activities you wish or want to complete! Decluttering can help boost positive thinking! When life gets too difficult, many succumb to stress and opt to ignore their surroundings instead of dealing with them head on. While this might appear like an effective time management move, in actuality it only makes matters worse. Human beings generally strive for order and tidiness; therefore when your surroundings become disorganized or messy, stress levels begin to build unknowingly. Try finding the energy to declutter your immediate environment as this will provide instantaneous stress relief while simultaneously enjoying what surrounds you rather than becoming anxious about them.
Spend Time Outdoors
Outdoor activity can be one of the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Modern working conditions often necessitate spending a considerable amount of time sitting behind a computer in enclosed environments. Environment has an immense effect on our emotions, none of them positive. When life keeps you indoors for too long, your natural happiness-inducing hormones don’t produce quickly or at all – which leads to stress-induced anxiety and depression. One effective solution to this issue is spending as much of your free time outdoors as possible; if there is space at home, consider gardening as an avenue. Presiding over your plants and watching them flourish can be one of the greatest stress relievers. Being outdoors in fresh air while engaging physically helps ease anxiety and tension. Planning out and planting a garden can help alleviate stress and anxiety; so start thinking and planting today!
Time-Blocking Scheduling Helps
Time-Blocking scheduling consists of setting a specific time schedule for specific tasks. In essence, time-blocking helps organize your time by giving specific tasks an allotted period of time to complete them; effectively creating an outline for your day ahead. Example: you may need 30 minutes for answering emails; 1 hour will do for chores and so forth. One of the greatest difficulties associated with stress and anxiety is feeling powerless over situations and decisions made on our behalf. Focusing on time-blocking schedules allows you to plan out each and every moment of your day and reduces stress levels in no time. So focus on planning, organizing, and scheduling so you can enjoy a stress-free existence!
Wrapping Up
Our modern world can be overwhelming at times, as there are so many factors that influence our thoughts, decisions, and overall outlook of the world. Dealing with all these issues can become daunting at times; when this happens stress sets in. Instead of despairing over this situation however, use some of the tips discussed today to reduce stress quickly – we guarantee at least some can help significantly decrease anxiety quickly!
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